December 16, 2008


I have been looking for an abbreviation/phrase that sums up the way I coach... something short and to the point... I haven't really thought of it too much in the last few months, But while going over some of the initial templets for the new website with Carolyn earlier today, she mentioned that I should check out for a bit of inspiration and a few laughs... and she was right!

Go big or go home
I often say that I strive to go big or go home, and add that its mainly due to the fact I am not entirely sure where home is. Is it Israel? Since I grew up there, most will say that is my home. But I am not sure it feels like home. New zealand felt like home during the 3.5 years I spent there, but now I think Victoria is my home. Hmmm... But I digress!

These are 2 definitions, according to urban dictionary:

1. an expression the speaker says to the listener to encourage the listener to be extravagant, to go all the way, and do whatever you are doing to its fullest - and not flake out.
2. A phrase describing a Champion's lifestyle. A way of life. An attitude. We never go home.

So there you have it, I found my abbreviation!




DaveR said...

I would be the first in line to buy a PT Performance T-shirt with that slogan in bold letters!!

Noa said...

Hmmmm... a T-shirt... something to think about :)

Dr. Nellie Deutsch said...

I would be proud to wear one. Get me a medium, please.