February 1, 2010

The barefoot running bandwagon...

If one more person asks me about barefoot running because of all the media attention the topic received lately, I am going to throw a tantrum. I am absolutely serious. Its not ground breaking news people... and I'm getting a bit sick of hearing about it like its a new concept. 

We started running barefoot on sand dunes when I was 14. That was 14 years ago... and I suspect that wasn't a new thing at all back then either. The main reason was for strength development. To a bunch of 14-16 year old kids, the barefoot part was because it was more fun... It was all about having fun and running fast!

I think that too many people run in shoes that have excessive support. I think most people have allowed their feet to become weak and lazy. I think a lot of people have pretty bad posture when they run. Does all of this point towards running barefoot? Not necessarily... There are many pieces to this puzzle and you need to look at the whole picture and consider individual variability/circumstances before you jump on the barefoot running bandwagon because of some recent media hype and a recently published book (which is, I would admit, a well written one... something that may add to the danger of everyone jumping into something they may or may not be able to handle).

There are so many factors that come into play... you can't read an article as take it as is. Be critical. Think. Ask for help. I didn't think I would have to say this again so soon, but here goes: IT DEPENDS...


Tyler Duncan said...

New trend, Barefoot biking!! we'll glue the cleats to our feet!

nadia said...

in the Rome Olympics Abebe won the marathon while running barefooted. It was in 1960. Well before that I was told that it is good to walk barefooted in the sand for my flat feet.