The other reasons are because I have been busy (as usual) and have been battling with some fatigue too. I get pretty paranoid if I am feeling very fatigued for more than just a few days, worrying that it is a relapse of CFS. That was the case mid Feb, but it was not as disabling as 5 years ago! I was able to push through and feel like things are OK now. I feel pretty good today... I sure am looking forward to a (relatively) relaxed weekend though, before some busy times next week. My bike fitting roster is pretty full for next week, I might be able to fit another one in if you are quick to email me. If not - there is always the week after that :)
Gotta log off and head to some meetings... I got the pics I took in AZ from kamal this week, so here are some of them (oh, the sun and warmth... how I miss you!)
Happy Friday...!
How would you like fitting this bike, YIKES!
The more complex - the better. I like challenges... ;)
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